Fredag den 19. august kl.20-22 kan man som en del af CLICK i Helsingør opleve Wassim Z. Alsindi og 0x Salons verdenspremiere på stykket "The Black Hole of Money", der er blevet til under deres residency hos Art Hub Copenhagen som en del af det pan-europæiske S+T+ARTS-projekt.
"The Black Hole of Money" foregår på engelsk. Læs mere om stykket nedenfor.
Det er gratis at deltage. Du booker din gratis billet her.
Gratis transport med bus fra København til Helsingør:
Afgang: Art Hub Copenhagen, Halmtorvet 27, 1700 København V. kl.19.00 (mødetid 15 min før)
Afgang: Kulturværftet, Allegade 2, 3000 Helsingør. kl.22.30. Forventet ankomst 23.25 ved Art Hub Copenhagen.
The Black Whole of Money is a play that explores four possible timelines for Bitcoin’s (and, incidentally, humanity’s) future. Can we regulate the Coin? Can we/should we fight against it? Should we give up and just keep hashing? Or, should we press the #Accelerate-or and see what happens? Only the Cowboy-Out-Of-Time narrating our coup de theatre knows for certain, and even he’s not sure which timeline to invest in. The uncertainty promises to have audiences HODLing on to the edges of their seats…
Six months in the making, the 0x Salon Writers’ Club—comprising Wassim Z. Alsindi, Habib William Kherbek, Claire Tolan, and Katharine Tyndall—have collectively prepared an iron ore d’oeuvre that will render all other plays about digital currencies effectively obsolete.
Join us in the historic setting of Helsingør—Bard-heads may know it by its more famous (corrupted) name ‘Elsinore’—in the afterglow of the Dog Days of Summer if you can.
The Black Hole of Money was written by the 0x Salon Writers’ Club, with a virtual character animated by Bertram von Undall, and editorial, musical, and staging input from 0x Salon Fellow Steven Warwick and Klara Kofen. If you’re wondering how you can partake, fear not, The Black Hole of Money will be reimagined subsequently as a game under the direction of Wassim and Anna-Luise Lorenz in the months to come.
See you in Helsingør, friends, as we present the proof of our work.
The play was written and produced as part of Repairing The Present Fellowship and associated residency at Art Hub Copenhagen.
This project has received funding from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement LC01641664. https://www.starts.eu/starts-regional-centres/