What is the act of writing? What is ‘knowledge’? What is implicit in, and what may be introduced into the field of artistic research? WORKSHOP FOR AESTHETICS’ Talking in Praxis, presented by Jonas Georg Christensen, will seek to investigate such questions.
This second visit to the workshop is on 27 September presenting an edited conversation between curator Johanne Løgstrup and artist Jonas Georg Christensen on Løgstrups dissertation “Curatorial negotiations about the role of the art museum under the conditions of contemporaneity – unfolded in an exhibition about visual artist Sonja Ferlov Mancoba”
The séances involve exchanges between practising artists, theoreticians, and researchers. The basis for the conversations comprises both personal and general questions about notions of practice. In other words, these are some of the questions that Jonas Georg Christensen asks himself in relation to understanding the character of artistic practice, and the implicit possibilities involved in giving an account of one’s experience of having a creative and theoretical practice.
While trying out the conversation as a format, together with five colleagues whose work also is exploratory, these questions will be raised. In the conversations, each of us will attempt to articulate our notion of what takes place in the studio space or on site, and at the work desk. Thereby, by putting things to the test, we seek to ask and formulate questions through dialogues in praxis. Questions about knowledge.
Starting out in August – and from then on, every last Tuesday of the month from 6.30 to 8.30 pm – the conversations will be presented as audio and text montages in the cinema space. Straight after each screening, we will follow up on the presentations – together with the audience as a third conversational partner. The seance with Johanne Løgstrup is the second in the series. It is unfolded on tuesday 27 September 2022.
All séances will be at Vester Vov Vov, Absalonsgade 5, 1658 Copenhagen.
WORKSHOP FOR AESTHETICS’ Dialogues in Praxis has been given its current format in collaboration with Art Hub Copenhagen as part of their Testing Ground Programme.
Participation is free, but we recommend securing a seat by talking out a free ticket here.
NB! The séances will be in Danish.