Installations performance : Let It Pour, Let It Rain
how can we craft economies of Care and Desire?
how can the Erotic be at the Root of such?
Som en del af deres residency hos Art Hub Copenhagen præsenterede (Co)Opulence (xiri tara noir & Sall Lam Toro) elementer af deres kunstneriske praksis i form af en installations performance torsdag den 1. december 2022.
Du kan her se en redigeret optagelse af den oprindeligt 45 minutter lange live performance.
(Co)Opulence Collective ‘(Co)’ of Corpo, Coexistence, Collaboration, Co-thinking, Collapse
and various elements of their artistic process in the format of an installation performance titled:
Let it Pour, Let it Rain
the work of (Co)Opulence explores parallel realities of shapeshifter pro-hoe/heaux queer/trans pleasures, and the power of eroticism as ritualistic and choreographic processes. their Practice is striving to craft economies of Care and evoke Queer Pleasures.
the performance installation ‘Let it Pour, Let it Rain’ is a Process-based mapping of interdimensional journeys of Intimate Radical form. A Conversation where past and futures collide in a structural rehabilitation of Desire.
The performance installation seeks to offer new aesthetic languages for liberatory practices based on queering, pleasure, and anticapitalist thought, while engaging with forming Speculative Radical Spaces and Hopeful Futures.
Medvirkende i performancen:
Performers: (Co)Opulence
Artistic advice: jaamil olawale kosoko and Lizzie Borden
Video design: Déborah Ephrem
Graphic design: Savan Mohammad-Amen
Voice over: zylvester baltazar rodriguez and Miriam Jiribilla
Du kan læse mere om Art Hub Residency her.