
Moment no. 2 : Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez

Banner designed by Oslo-Helsinki based design studio Blank Blank for the Verdensrommet petition campaign of 2021. Photo: Verdensrommet

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Som en del af udstillingen 27DAGE har Scott William Raby fra f.eks. taget initiativ til en diskussion med kunstner Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez om hans kunstneriske praksis og kommende værker, særligt Verdensrommet, hans ”restivist” praksis og kommende arbejde med The Union (NO), m.fl.

Teksten udgør det andet af i alt tre ”publishing moments”, der tilsammen aktiverer f.eks.’ fortid, nutid og fremtidige værker. Samtidig markerer denne tekst udstillingens fysiske nedtagning og dermed kulminationen på f.eks.’ 27 dage lange tilstedeværelse på Art Hub Copenhagen i februar 2022.


Mere om 27DAGE.

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The Migrant Assembly, Participatory Imaginaries For Rest And The Future Of Retirement, Organized by Verdensrommet, Eidsvoll plass (Stortinget), Oslo 2021. Photo: Jacky Jaan-Yuan Kuo

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The Migrant Assembly, Participatory Imaginaries For Rest And The Future Of Retirement. Performative moment depicting The Production Of Rest by artist Karin Sletten. Organized by Verdensrommet. Eidsvoll plass (Stortinget), Oslo, 2021. Photo: Jacky Jaan-Yuan Kuo

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Verdensrommet keynote at UKS’ 100 Years of Conviviality Seminar: Artists Organizing Artists, Deichman Bjørvika, Oslo 2021. Photo: Verdensrommet

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Aalborg-based artists, activists, and other audience members decompressing during Ghattas-Pérez’s “Restivist Sauna” session hosted by f.eks. at Haraldslund Vand og Kulturhus, Aalborg, 2021. Photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

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Banner designed by Oslo-Helsinki based design studio Blank Blank for the Verdensrommet petition campaign of 2021. Photo: Verdensrommet

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Audience gathered at Ghattas-Pérez’s Restivist Sauna at the former f.eks. AIR location at Spritten, Aalborg, 2021.

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Pouring a snaps for audience members during the Restivist Sauna event, Aalborg, 2021. Photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

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El Buen Vivir at Hvervenbukta, biopolitical intervention, Oslo, 2021. The sail reads “Slutten på velferdsstaten nærmer seg…er vi klare for ‘El Buen Vivir’? which translates to English as “The end of the welfare state is approaching…are we ready for ‘Living in Plenitude’?” Photo: Andrea Fritsvold

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The Common LivingRoom at The Union, consisted of a series of informal Covid-free and creative meet-ups in our living room in Old Town, Oslo 2021. Photo: The Union

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Audience member reading Ghattas-Pérez’s fanzine Dirt Exchanges v.1 as part of f.eks. AIR’s Open House launch event, Aalborg, 2021. Photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

AHC : gives time, space and voices to artistic experimentation