
Moment no.1 : Lukas Heistinger

Billede fra ‘satelitkontoret’, f.eks. har installeret som en del af udstillingen 27DAGE i Art Hub, her med objekter og bøger fra tidligere og fremtidige projekter af f.eks. Øverste hylde (venstre til højre): The Art of Hosting, Bregenz Biennale – postkort co-kurateret m.fl. Bernhard Garnicnig. AAAA blocks, Rikke Ehlers Nilsson. Supergood cap, Lukas Heistinger and Bernhard Garnicnig. Anden hylde (venstre til højre): Electric fans, the Department of Social Sensibility and resource material. Foto: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson.

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Som en del af udstillingen 27DAGE har Scott William Raby fra f.eks. taget initiativ til en diskussion med kunstner Lukas Heistinger om dennes kunstneriske praksis og kommende værker, særligt hans samarbejdsprojekt ”artist as consultant”.

Teksten udgør det første ud af i alt tre ”publishing moments”, der tilsammen aktiverer f.eks.s fortid, nutid og fremtidige værker. Samtidig markere denne indledende tekst åbningen af udstillingen 27DAGE og dermed f.eks.s tilstedeværelse hos Art Hub Copenhagen gennem hele februar 2022.


Mere om 27DAGE.

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Supergood concept store installed in Vienna, 2015. Photo credit: Supergood

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Supergood co-initiator Bernhard Garnicnig making an açaí smoothie inside the Supergood Concept Store, Vienna, 2015. credit: Supergood.

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The core element was a bar designed by Lukas Heistinger placed in the center of the room. Throughout the project
period it was activated by affiliated artists, e.g. the Franchise Painting by Phelim McConigly. Photo credit: Supergood

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Artists and practitioners created performances, workshops, dj-nights, and talks as part of the Supergood concept store. Body + Freedom (Florentina Holzinger, Nils Amadeus Lange, Manuel Scheiwiller, Annina Machaz and Vincent Riebeek) recorded a special Supergood themed episode of their TV-series during the opening of the store, Vienna, 2015. Photo credit: Supergood.

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Main entrance to MAAT (Museum for Art, Architecture, and Technology) surrounded by Supergood beach flags as part
of the exhibition Supergood – Dialogues with Ernesto de Sousa, Lisbon, 2018. Credit: Supergood.

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Entrance to the main exhibition space inside MAAT featuring the Supergood logo, a selfie-wall, and various signs, Lisbon, 2018. Photo credit: Supergood

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Framed as the newly established sponsor of art festival Premierentage in Innsbruck Austria, Supergood served product samples to the audience during their FREE BETTER YOU! project, Innsbruck, 2016. Photo credit: Supergood

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At the Supergood – Dialogues with Ernesto de Sousa opening, visitors were invited to pose in front of an overscaled selfie-wall with slogan signs of Supergood marketing language mixed with titles of De Sousa’s performances, Lisbon, 2018. Photo: Pedro Sacadura.

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Supergood promo image.

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Supergood “merch” positioned in the MAAT gift shop.

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Supergood banner positioned outside of the MAAT gift shop, Lisbon, 2018. Photo credit: Supergood

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Bernhard Garnicnig in dialogue about art washing, gentrification, and art’s role in urban transformation processes as part of the Aalborg Anti-Art Washing Agreement (AAAA) project, Aalborg, 2019. Photo credit: Niels Fabæk

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Audience enjoying the view of Aalborg during the sailing cruise aboard the temporarily renamed “SV Policy Transformation” sail boat during the Aalborg Anti-Artwashing Agreement performance organized by f.eks. platform. Aalborg, 2019. Photo credit: Niels Fabæk.

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The Aalborg Anti-Art Washing logo designed by Lukas Heistinger as part of the AAAA project by Lukas Heistinger and Bernhard Garnicnig, Aalborg, 2019. Now in use by the Aalborg Artist’s Association. Photo credit: Lukas Heistinger

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Supergood orchestrated the closing event of the festival and invited New York rapper Juiceboxxx8 to perform. He played the same 15-minute musical performance multiple times throughout the night to an audience that was served with product ‘tasters’ by performers dressed in Supergood merch. Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen, Innsbruck, 2016. Photo credit: Supergood

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Consultant Georg Russegger in conversation with a live/digital audience initiating exercises on consultant and artist stereotypes as part of Artists Have the Answers? at Impact Academy – Villa Shapira, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna, 2021. Photo credit: Artist Project Group

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Temporary logo for the Artist as Consultant project presented by Lukas Heistinger, Bernhard Garnicnig, and Andrea Steves during the Artist’s Project Group Artist’s Have The Answers? at Impact Academy – Villa Shapira, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna, 2021. Photo: Artist Project Group

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Lukas Heistinger greeting the public as the “SV Policy Transformation” anchors in front of the Utzon Architecture Center near the city center during the Aalborg Anti-Artwashing Agreement performance, Aalborg, 2019. Photo credit: Niels Fabæk

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Audience initiating an infinite handshake at the request of artists Lukas Heistinger and Bernhard Garnicnig at the conclusion of the Aalborg Anti-Artwashing Agreement performance, Aalborg, 2019. Photo credit: Niels Fabæk

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Scott William Raby inviting the public aboard the “SV Policy Transformation”. Credit: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

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f.eks. platform organizer Scott William Raby, Lukas Heistinger, along with others pull the “SV Policy Transformation” sails into the wind on the Limfjord during the Aalborg Anti-Artwashing Agreement performance. Aalborg, 2019. Photo credit: Niels Fabæk

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Presentation from the cabin of the “SV Policy Transformation” during the Aalborg Anti-Artwashing Agreement performance. Aalborg, 2019. Photo credit: Niels Fabæk

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Artists in conversation as part of the Aalborg Anti-Artwashing Agreement project, Aalborg, 2019. Photo credit: Lukas Heistinger.

AHC : gives time, space and voices to artistic experimentation