
To kunstnere udvalgt til Aurora Residency 2024

Jan S. Hansen og Bita Razavi er udpeget til Aurora Residency i 2024 – et nyt residency, skabt og drevet af AHC, Le Bicolore – Maison du Danemark og Fondation Fiminco.

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Fra venstre: Jan S. Hansen: Quietly Sitting in Room, detalje, 2023.

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Bita Ravazi: Dog Days Will Be Over Soon, 2019, installationsview, Kunsthalle Seinäjoki. Foto: Kunsthalle Seinäjok

Aurora Residency er et nystartet tre-måneders residency hos Fondation Fimonco i Paris, som de to første kunstnere nu er udvalgt til. Kunstnerne er Jan S. Hansen, som arbejder og bor i Danmark, og iranskfødte Bita Razavi, som er bosat i Finland.

Formålet med Aurora Residency er at fremme nordiske kunstneres karrierer og muligheder for at opnå synlighed og udvide internationale netværk. Aurora Residency er desuden et bæredygtigt projekt, der har til formål kontinuerligt at eksperimentere med social og miljømæssig bevidsthed i residency- og udstillingspraksis.

De to kunstnere er udvalgt på baggrund af et open call og en jury sammensat af en repræsentant fra hver af de involverede institutioner samt af en fransk kurator, udvalgt af institutionerne. Nedenfor kan du læse motivationerne for udvælgelsen (på engelsk):

The members of the Aurora residency jury were particularly impressed by Bita Razavi’s body of work, which draws its strength from the creative strategies of resistance. The resulting artistic and media forms led Bita Razavi in the footsteps of colonial-era botanical compulsion and Emilie Saal, whose complex trajectory is as much the fruit of a woman’s self-determination as well as her contribution to a fundamentally unequal society. Regarding these layers of ambiguity, the artist has produced the kinetic print sculpture ‘Kratt’, an evocation of a mythological creature presented in the Estonian pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2022.

For her Aurora residency project, this same thread, inspired by the creative forms of resistance, led Bita Razavi to revisit her personal history and her Iranian family origins, and to address these issues to the Women, Life, Freedom Revolution underway in Iran. Her time in residence at the Fiminco Foundation will enable her to engage in conversations and encounters with representatives of the Iranian Resistance living in France. Her installation project will be based mainly on found objects, the residuals of Parisian society in all its diversity. A video and shadow and light effects will illuminate the testimonies and narratives that the artist has collected. The members of the jury have noticed in this project a renewal of the artistic forms of engagement that attracted their greatest attention.

The members of the jury were struck by the subtle and singular balance between the richness of an inner life reflected in Jan S Hansen’s work, and his openness to collective issues and sharing. This balance makes his work a pivotal point between introspection and cosmic openness. His formal translation enables him to go beyond the complexity of the issues he has consciously set out to give them a sensitive form with an economy of means. His seemingly light-hearted approach to complexity by introducing the invisible and the poetic convinced the jury that he was in tune with these complex issues facing the world today. His installations engage the viewer to think, ponder, speculate and, perhaps, continue to dream. They invite us to question our presuppositions, where we are speaking from, our views and our points of view on the world, without opposing the paths of intuitive, spiritual or scientific sensitive knowledge.

His Aurora residency will enable Jan s Hansen to extend his ritual practice of drawing, particularly diagrammatic drawing, by returning to an older practice of painting, echoing the energies of the city, its pulse and fruits of his research. As co-director of a non-commercial artist-run space, Jan S Hansen will be able during the residency period to initiate and consolidate fruitful encounters and exchanges within the community of artists and art practitioners at Fiminco and in the Romainville cultural district, as well as with the Parisian and French art scenes.


Aurora Residency 2024 er første residency i samarbejdet mellem AHC, Le Bicolore og Fondation Fiminco. Når dette første program er afviklet, vil der blive indsamlet feedback fra de deltagende kunstnere, kurator og projektpartnere for at fremme diskussionen om, hvordan programmet kan udvikle sig og fortsætte, og hvordan der kan arbejdes videre med den sociale og miljømæssige bæredygtighedsstrategi.

Det er forhåbningen, at dette første residency kan indlede et langsigtet samarbejde mellem projektpartnerne og give mulighed for, at flere kunstnere og kuratorer kan deltage i programmet gennem open calls, og at franske kunstnere også kan få muligheden for et residency i Danmark og arbejde med danske kuratorer.

Endelig er Aurora Residency tænkt som et eksperiment i bæredygtig residencypraksis. Miljøbevidsthed er således et centralt aspekt af projektet, der gennemsyrer programmet. Denne forpligtelse udmønter sig ikke kun i implementeringen af miljøvenlige begrænsninger, men også i måling af residenciets fodaftryk for i fremtiden at skabe forbedringer og inkorporering af bæredygtighed i formidlingsprogrammet.

Læs om Open Call’et her.

Se billeder fra Fondation Fiminco her.

Aurora Residency er generøst støttet af Kulturministeriet og Udenrigsministeriet i Danmark.

AHC : gives time, space and voices to artistic experimentation