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Art Hub Film Club :

Adam Khalil : Public Secret Surprise Screening

6 April 2022 07.30 PM - 09.30 PM
Husets Biograf Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 Copenhagen

Art Hub invites you to enter the darkness of the cinema to experience a film programme presented and curated by the artist, Adam Khalil.

Tonight the film club will feature a brief introduction to Adam Khalil’s collaborative practice and presenting short trailers and teasers from projects with New Red Order, Maria Meinild, Bayley Sweitzer, Anton Vidokle, and more. Afterwards, a sneak peek surprise screening of recent collaborative shorts that have rarely been seen but brought to you here, for your eyes only, tonight!


Participation is free, but reservation is required. Get your free ticket here.

The programme will begin at 19.30, but doors will open at 18.30 and the café will be open prior to the programme.

Art Hub Film Club at Husets Biograf, Rådhusstræde 13, Copenhagen K.


Adam Khalil’s work, both with the ‘public secret society’ New Red Order and in his other collaborations, leaves no doubt as to the importance and complexity of the imagery of film. New Red Order core contributors are Adam Khalil and Zack Khalil (Ojibway) and Jackson Polys (Tlingit). Their work focuses on how the past, present and future of Indigenous people are represented. In a trenchant, humorous way, they document how anthropological and ethnographic studies present Indigenous peoples as ‘alien’, savage’ and ‘exotic’, thereby continuously reiterating a fixed, stagnant and colonised framework.

In the spring of 2022, New Red Order will be exhibiting at Kunsthal Charlottenborg and screening films at CPH:DOX.


Art Hub works to share knowledge of various forms of visual art practice: for example, by creating new, experimental contexts that can help nuance the multifaceted nature of contemporary art. Art Hub Film Club casts a spotlight on film, video and the moving image, and on the essential role these media play in contemporary art.

Art Hub Film Club was developed in collaboration with Adam Khalil – a former resident at Art Hub.

Film Club events will be held in Husets Biograf. The venue’s unique history in terms of screening experimental films makes it the perfect venue for discussions and sharing knowledge about the field of film-based works.

The launch of Art Hub Film Club features four events during the spring of 2022. Each of the four evenings is programmed by Adam Khalil, who will present both his own film-based works and those by others, touching on subjects such as identity, origin, the occult, history writing etc.

Art Hub Film Club Featuring Adam Khalil is supported by Kunsthal Charlottenborg and CPH: DOX.

AHC : gives time, space and voices to artistic experimentation