On Tuesday 14 September, together with the artists Eva la Cour, Rasmus Brink Pedersen, Mia Edelgart and Joen Vedel, Art Hub invites you to the workshop ‘Precarious Film Practice #3’. The artists will introduce and try to demystify the nature and potential of live editing – both conceptually and technically. In addition to being a commonly used method in mainstream television production, for the artists live editing is a kind of machine that can make tangible airy conversations about complex topics, problems, sensitivities and aesthetic points of attraction, being shared and mixed, while giving shape to these conversations.
The workshop will comprise a series of presentations in which the artists will exemplify, put into perspective and discuss their mutual interests in live editing as a method. Meanwhile, the presentations will be filmed from different cameras and angles, which those attending the workshop will help operate and edit while streaming live.
Follow the live stream on www.arthubcopenhagen.net
Theory and practice will merge throughout the workshop, and the attendees will be invited into the process of film production. In this sense, the term ‘precarious’ is meant to indicate a concern with ‘aesthetics of potential’, when understood as an aesthetic that embraces both technical glitches, errors and social impulse.
PLEASE NOTE: The workshop will be in Danish.
Participation is free, but the number of attendees is limited. Registration is mandatory via Billetto. Registration ends on 12 September.