In our efforts to give time, space and voice to artists and the artistic experiment, Art Hub Copenhagen publishes books in three series, respectively Interview, Theory and Other.

An encounter with visual art is also an encounter with language. Where the seeable and the sayable meet, images are intertwined with words when we speak, listen, and write.
At AHC we explore the many voices of contemporary art in their own right, as statements and testimonies that attune to the places where art might lead us.
Our publications grow out of collaborations and conversations we have with many different people and communities, in the form of theory, narratives entangled with art, and texts derived from artistic doing and thinking.
The first publications initiated by AHC was released in September 2022. They can be bought from the art store SKITSE. You can read more on the publications below.
All publications have been initiated by AHC and designed by Alexis Mark.
With support by Statens Kunstfond, LA Box ENSA and Novo Nordisk Fonden.
The Interview series is based on conversations with artists who have been residents at AHC. Together with an interviewer and a guest, the artists present their work in words and images: not just one work or one show, but their current processes, thoughts, and daily challenges. The Interview Series is in English.
Theory is based on philosopher Rosi Braidotti’s definition of theory as a form of organized estrangement from dominant values. The series will consist of titles relevant for the thinking of art and curatorial praxis today. Theory is primarily published in Danish.
The series Other is inconsistent through, and through because it never resembles itself and invariably has different content. The series unfold an artistic or curatorial project, or images, ideas, and reveries, and thereby remain – in all their otherness – themselves. Other can be published in both Danish and English.