
Newsletter #25

Dear Reader, The year 2023 is just pulling away from the station now, and we’re already in full swing, planning events and residencies and publications and exhibitions and so much more for the coming year. We are certainly going to be telling you, in the next of our newsletters, a lot more about all this activity. In the present newsletter, however, we are going to get this year’s party started by giving the floor to artist Nat Bloch Gregersen. The text Dressed in Saturn. To have every dumb flower, arose during the preparation of a solo exhibition of the same title presented in 2021. The exhibition dealt with the seven noble gases and their diffrent physical properties on our planet and in outer space. The text is a work in progress and below you can read an edited excerpt.

Based on interdisciplinary research Bloch Gregersen’s practice spans across science, materiality and language and touches on the relationship between human and nature. The text stages the tension fields between body, the interiority, the near and the invisible, the intangible, the remote — as well as the gesture of touch; to touch/to be touched.

During the autumn of 2022, Bloch Gregersen gave a reading of this excerpt, in connection with Art Hub Copenhagen’s collaboration with VEGA|ARTS, but the excerpt has not previously been presented in print. The text has been written in English and it is especially on account of its essentially poetic nature that we’ve chosen to refrain from even trying to translate it. We have chosen, rather, to bring this text to you in its original unexpurgated form. We hope, dear readers, that you will, like us, let Nat Bloch Gregersen take you all on a voyage out into the universe. Enjoy reading!

AHC : gives time, space and voices to artistic experimentation