
Newsletter #31

Covers from the first nine episodes of the Art Pod podcast with Mathias Kryger.

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Dear Reader, Dear Listener. Art Pod with Mathias Kryger awaits your listening in your podcast app. At the time of writing, we have now released nine episodes, featuring
news from and about the world of art: about power, about works, about artists, about activism, about theories and about sustainability – with visits from the likes of artists such as Rasmus Myrup, Anne Mette Schultz, and Justin F. Kennedy, art historian TJ Demos, curator Luise Faurschou, foundation CEO Søren Kaare-Andersen – to name but some.

Art Pod casts a spotlight on all possible corners of the art world. After all, the art world simply has so many corners, inhabited by countless, hugely diverse ‘actors’. In the podcasts, we invite them to talk about their perspectives, their work and their problems, with plenty of time for in-depth questions and answers.

If you listen really carefully, occasionally you can hear news that hasn’t even become news yet. Take Episode 8, for example, in which Marie Nipper, director of Arken, was invited to the studio. She talks about creating a good working environment, about being a museum for its own region, and about the reasons for Arken’s recent change of name: from ‘Museum of Modern Art’ to ‘Museum of Contemporary Art’. 40 minutes into the interview, she even discloses a brand new idea for reforming the Danish Museum Act. Right here, you can read a transcript of the relevant 11 minutes of the conversation.

The next episode of Art Pod is about Art as Forum with Frederik Tygstrup and Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt in the studio. You’ll find Art Pod with Mathias Kryger here or where you find all your other podcasts.

Happy reading and listening!

AHC : gives time, space and voices to artistic experimentation