
Open Call : Research Hosting : PhD

You can now apply to have Art Hub Copenhagen (AHC) as host institution for PhD projects in practice-based research. The projects will primarily be funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF). Deadline 27 February 2023.

AHC assigns hosting pledges to research projects considered original and artistically relevant, and to applicants considered suitable for admission to an academic context and to AHC’s research and mediation activities.

Each year AHC selects a maximum of four applicants for practice-based PhD grants in visual art and two for practice-based PhD grants in curating. All candidates are selected by a jury consisting of two external members who change each year, as well as one member from AHC’s team.


The selected candidates are offered placements at AHC and against this background can apply for funding from NNF. NNF has a deadline for applications at the beginning of January each year. If one wishes to apply for a PhD position hosted by AHC one must first apply for hosting at AHC and then for advance approval from a Danish university before applying for funding from NNF.

A practice-based PhD financed by the NNF requires the candidate to be associated with an artistic host institution. This may be AHC, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts or another art institution that houses practice-based researchers. However, only the Danish universities can award the PhD degree.
This means that a PhD candidate who is granted funding from NNF is employed at AHC but is registered at a university. In practice this means that the researcher engages in everyday activities and has a workplace at AHC, but at the same time is engaged in a close professional interaction with a university. Part of the collaboration with the university also involves a teaching requirement, and that the principal supervisor on the project is from the university.
AHC cooperates primarily with the Department for Art and Cultural Studies at Copenhagen University and the Department for Communication and Culture at Aarhus University. Apart from this we are interested in all cooperations that are relevant to the individual research projects – not least the interdisciplinary ones that go beyond the art field and those with institutions abroad.



Applications for placement pledges for practice-based PhD projects with AHC must include the following:

• A project description, 2 pages of 2400 keystrokes per page including spaces and characters.

• The research that is produced in the PhD projects will form part of AHC’s mediation programme in ways that are adjusted to the individual project, for example through workshops, exhibitions, publications or in other ways. You must therefore (besides the project description) give an account over a maximum of half a page of how the research project is relevant to AHC and give examples of how you will present it in AHC.

• A one-page CV.

• A one-page list of publications and exhibitions.

• A 3-page visual portfolio which supports the proposed project.

• Proof of education at MFA level. It is a requirement of the universities that applicants for a practice-based artistic PhD project have an MFA in artistic practice / studio practice / free art, or similar experience from an academy of art or the like. In certain cases, extensive experience of exhibitions may compensate for the lack of an MFA.

For ALL documents, one page consists of 2400 keystrokes per page, including spaces and characters. Applications that exceed these page numbers will not be considered.

The application and all other documents must be written in English.

The application must contain the name of the applicant, address, phone number and email. You must also state at which university you wish to be registered.

All documents for the application must be combined to ONE single pdf-file at a maximum of 5 MB. The file is to be sent to In the subject field it must say “Application for PhD hosting”.

The DEADLINE for the submission of applications is 27 FEBRUARY 2023.

Hosting pledges require the candidate during any PhD process to be actively present at AHC and to contribute to our research environment (except for periods with relevant research trips and stays abroad). This will be a condition of continued funding of the project. If you are not domiciled in Denmark, we ask you to attach a plan for how you intend to schedule your project, so you are in Copenhagen for 50% of the time. Applicants who are not EU citizens should study relevant visa, tax, and work permit conditions before they begin the application process, as we cannot offer advice on this.

It will unfortunately not be possible for us to send motivations for refusals of applications for hosting pledges.

Any questions can be addressed to project manager Fafaya Mogensen at



Hosting Pledges:
The maximum of six PhD applicants who are granted hosting pledges at AHC enter into a mentoring process that includes two meetings with Lars Bang Larsen, director of artistic research at AHC, and one feedback session with an external researcher. The mentoring process aims to produce a thorough discussion of each applicant’s project, and to optimise the design of their applications. The mentoring process takes place in the course of spring 2023.

Advanced Approval:
PhD applicants who have been granted placement pledges at AHC must also get advance approval from the university where they seek to register. The research council of the cooperating university reviews the application and assesses whether it is academically satisfactory. If the university approves the application the candidate receives advance approval from here. Application deadlines for advance approval at Copenhagen and Aarhus Universities are usually in November and December. It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit an application for advance approval. (Copenhagen University notes that candidates who have received a special subject grade of less than 7 cannot be considered for a PhD course).

PhD Application:
PhD applicants who have received placement pledges at AHC and advance approval from a university can then apply to NNF for funding of their projects. The application deadline for NNF is usually at the beginning of January. It is the applicant’s own responsibility to submit the final application to NNF. AHC has no influence on the final selection of projects: it is NNF’s committee that decides which projects are granted funding by NNF. The candidate(s) selected for funding by NNF will be appointed as PhD candidate(s) at AHC.

Read More:
Here one can read more about the Mads Øvlisen grants in practice-based research, and what NNF’s specialist committee emphasises in its assessment.

AHC : gives time, space and voices to artistic experimentation