
Guilt and Debts

Guilt and Debts is a forum for discussions about identity politics and decolonisation. Through talks, research, and seminars, a range of different voices and experiences will be heard and shared.

The point of departure is that there is an aftermath to historical injustices whose consequences for contemporary lives must be acknowledged in order to be capable of seeing and feeling the other, and to make it possible to change ourselves through shared processes of becoming. This includes discussions and gestures that revolve around art and activism, archives and invisibilities, representation and communities, and how we can imagine identities and historical space anew.

Through talks, research, and seminars, a range of different voices and experiences will be heard and shared. Guilt and Debts borrow its title from a 2018 exhibition by the artist Dierk Schmidt at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid.


The programme will feature a talk series titled Becomings, curated by Mai Takawira.


Without the begin of word
grist in a grind and pound of together
in absence of a past mortared with
the harsh husk of a future-present begins

(M. NourbeSe Philip)

Becomings is a series of talks that presents artists and researchers who use their work to examine, disrupt, and push back against the effects of colonialism. The series unfolds gestures understood as “acts of becoming,” to quote the artist Grada Kilomba. Here, those labeled by colonial history as “other” retort; and becoming is made possible in the act of utterance that wedges its way into the paradigms of Western historiography, imaginings, and emotions.

The series resonates with the growing demand for historical restoration and the desire to let other experiences, forms of knowledge and sensibilities intervene in our way of shaping and inhabiting the world.


AHC : gives time, space and voices to artistic experimentation